Click to get bios of:
Ridina Ahmedová,
Svatava Antošová,
Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia,
Tibor Babiczky,
Ingmāra Balode,
Alexandra Berková,
Petr Borkovec,
Stanislav Dvorský,
Eduard Escoffet,
Christine Evans,
Vojtěch Fabián,
Viola Fischerová,
Sorin Ghergut,
Petr Halmay,
Zbyněk Hejda,
Pavel Kolmačka,
Petr Král,
J. H. Krchovský,
Sabina Messeg,
Tomáš Míka,
Amjad Nasser,
Samira Negrouche,
Margaret Obank,
Vladimir Olah,
Tímea Penzés,
Bohdan Piasecki,
Ioan Es. Pop,
Ágnes Rapai,
Kateřina Rudčenková,
Samuel Shimon,
Jan Štolba,
Jáchym Topol,
Francisco José Viegas,
Elena Vladareanu,
Haris Vlavianos
Musicians: Ruper Ordorika
Ridina Ahmedová |
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Ridina Ahmedová (1974) has been a professional jazz singer for several years, performing with the the Floex project (a project of music on the borderline of dance, classical and jazz music – CD Pocustone 2001). She has composed music for several theatre performances and has lately been performing her solo work. Her project Hlasokraj was released in November 2003 and was given the Next Wave 2004 award in the category of new artist of the year. She is interested in the female voice as a solo, unaccompanied instrument of music.
11. 11. Sunday 3:00 - 3:20 pm |
Svatava Antošová |
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Poet, novelist and journalist, Svatava Antošová was born in Teplice in 1957, where She lives today. She started publishing in samizdat in the 70s, and was a member of the XXVi group. She has been published extensively in Czech journals and magazines and is active in both Prague and regional literary readings and activities. Her publications include both poetry and prose and include: Říkají mi poezie (1987), Ta ženská musí být opilá (1990), Tórana (1994), ...aniž ťala hlavou (1994), Kalendář šestého smyslu (1996) Dáma a švihadlo, 2004, Nordickou blondýnu jsem nikdy nelízala, 2005, Ještě mě nezabíjej!, 2005.
11. 11. Sunday 1:40 - 2:00 pm |
Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia |
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Rikardo Arregi Diaz de Heredia (BASQUE COUNTRY, Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1958) studied psychology and pedagogy in Salamanca and Basque Philology in Vitoria-Gasteiz. At present He teaches in secondary education. For his first book of poems, Hari Hauskorrak (Fragile threads, 1993), Arregi was awarded the Spanish Critics Prize. Some years later, in 1998, He was awarded the same prize for Kartografia (Cartography) which came out in Spanish in 2000. His work has also been included in Brazilian, English, German, Galician, Slovene and Spanish anthologies. Arregi has contributed to different newspapers and periodicals in the Basque Country, mainly to Egunkaria and Hegats where He is a regular columnist and critic. As translator, He has collaborated on the translation of Wyslawa Szymborska´s poems and in the translation of several Portuguese poets, such as Sophia de Melo, Eugénio de Andrade and Jorge de Sena.
15. 11. Thursday 7:00 pm |
Tibor Babiczky |
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Tibor Babiczky (HUNGARY) was born in Székesfehérvár in 1980. He studied Hungarian and English. He has published three poetry collections, istenek vagytok (You are gods),1999, a felvezető kör (Opening round), 2001, Levegővétel (Respiration), 2007. His poems have been published in three anthologies - Verskarácsony (Poetic Christmas), 2001, Szép versek (Beautiful Poems), 2006 and 2007, and have received critical acclaim in many Hungarian journals and newspapers. the main themes of Babiczky’s poetry are time, identity and self-reflexiveness. the most characteristic feature of his writing is an adroit handling of rhyme and rhythm, and an exploration of the possibilities of language through word-play and allusions to other literary works.
12. 11. Monday 7:00 pm |
Ingmāra Balode |
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Ingmāra Balode (LATVIA) was born in 1981. She graduated from the College of Applied Arts in Riga and later studied Polish language and literature. She has translated British and American 20th century modernist and contemporary authors, as well as Polish contemporary poetry and prose, and works as literary editor of the website 1 Satori ( She published her first collection Ledenes, ar kuram var sagriezt meli (Candy to cut the tongue) in 2007.
16. 11. Friday 6:30 pm |
Alexandra Berková |
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Writer and scriptwriter Alexandra Berková was born on July 1949 in Trencin. She studied the high school of glasswork art in Kamenický Šenov and then the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University where She majored in Czech and Art.
11. 11. Sunday 1:20 - 1:40 pm |
Petr Borkovec |
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Petr Borkovec (CZECH REPUBLIC) was born in 1970. a prize-winning author of six collections of poetry and translator, He is the editor of Rukopis (Manuscript) a journal of writing and translation and contributing editor of the cultural journal Souvislosti (Connections). His poems have been translated into many languages, the collections Polni práce (Field Work) and Needlebook were published in German, and selected poems in italian. Borkovec has translated Russian 20th century poetry and has collaborated on translations of contemporary Hungarian poetry, classical Korean poetry and classical Greek drama Oidipus Rex and Oresteia. His selected poems came out in 2006 under the title Vnitrozemí (The interior) and will be published in English translation by the poet Justin Quinn in 2008 by Seren.
14. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Stanislav Dvorský |
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Stanislav Dvorský (1940) lives in Prague. He is a poet, essay writer and graphic designer. in his youth He was a jazz musician and one of the founders of the Traditional Jazz Studio. in 1960-69 He participated in the UDS circle and the tape anthologies Antologie 1962 a Fragmenty 1963/64 (ARCO 2002). in the 70’s and 80;s He participated in applied psychoanalysis seminars. He published his writings mainly in magazines (Orientace, Analogon, iniciály, Literární noviny, Tvar, L`Archibras, Opus international ad.) and some foreign anthologies. He contributed to the collections UDS / Surrealistické východisko 1938- 1968 (ČS 1969), Obraz člověka v české kinematografii 1922-1963 (FÚ 1969) and Alternativní kultura, Příběh české společnosti 1945- 1989 (NLN 2002). He published his collected poems Zborcené plochy (Torst 1995) and a collection Dobyvatelé a pařezy (KJD + Klokočí 2004). He was awarded the Magnesia literary prize for poetry in 2007 for his collection Oblast Ticha.
22. 11. Thursday 7:00 pm |
Eduard Escoffet |
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Eduard Escoffet (CATALONIA) (1980 Cadaqués) belongs to the young generation of Catalan multimedia and performance poets. Bypassing publication on the page, He works with his voice and experiments with the possibilities offered by technology, using computer, sound and visual projections. He has performed in a number of countries and has collaborated with artists, musicians and dancers. He is also active as organiser of multimedia poetry events and exhibition-anthologies of performance art and sound / visual poetry and has been running Proposta, the international sound poetry festival in Barcelona (
16. 11. Friday 6:30 pm |
Christine Evans |
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Christine Evans (WALES) was born in Yorkshire, England. She moved to Wales in 1967, and settled on the Llyn peninsula, living also on Bardsey island (Enlli). Her work has appeared in journals such as the Oxford Magazine, Planet and Poetry Wales and can be read in anthologies such as Anglo-Welsh Poetry 1480-1990 (ed R. Garlick and R. Mathias, Seren 1990), and Twentieth Century Anglo-Welsh Poetry (ed D. Abse, Seren 1997). Her work has been translated into French (Sans moutons ni dragons, ed T. Curtis) and Czech (Drak ma dvoji jazyk, ed P. Mikes, Periplum 2000). in 2005, Christine Evans was awarded the Roland Mathias prize. Her latest poetry collections are Burning the Candle (Gomer, 2006) and Growth Rings (Seren, 2006) which has been chosen for the Wales Book of the Year long list.
18. 11. Sunday 7:00 pm |
Vojtěch Fabián |
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the writer and musician Vojtěch Fabián was born in 1949 in Vlčany near Nové Zámky, the oldest son of the writer and poet Tera Fabiánová. Now He lives in Prague with his family, plays a number of musical instruments and performs with the group Trival. Her writes his poetry in both Romani and Czech, many of them originating as song lyrics. His poetry appeared in the collection of Romani poetry Romské písně / Romane giľa (1979). He is an artist as well as a writer an musician. in his language one can detect elements of „Hungarian“ Romany vernacular, a trait inherited from his mother.
11. 11. Sunday 6:20 - 6:40 pm |
Viola Fischerová |
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Viola Fischerová (CZECH REPUBLIC) was born in 1935 in Brno. She worked in Czech radio during the sixties. in 1968 She emigrated to Switzerland with her husband, the author Karel Michal. in 1985 She moved to Germany and in 1994 She returned to live in Prague. Between 1975 and 1994 She contributed to Radio Free Europe. She began writing in the 1950s but was not allowed to publish until the 1990s. She has published eight collections of poetry and translations from Polish and German. Her short story is included in the anthology Povídky: Stories by Czech Women, Telegram, 2006. the poems in this anthology are from her collections Babí pma (Hag’s Hour, 1994) and Nyní (Now, 2006).
14. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Sorin Ghergut |
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Sorin Ghergut (ROMANIA) was born in 1973 and graduated from the Faculty of Letters in Bucharest. His literary talent was evident when He was still at high school and He also attended Mircea Cartarescu’s literary club during his studies. But even with this background, his first published work (Time-out, in 1998) was an outstanding example of prosodic and parodic virtuosity. Sorin Ghergut is one the most reserved of writers in the Romanian contemporary literary scene in terms of appearances in literary clubs and public readings, although his first published volume won the national poetry contest.
15. 11. Thursday 6:30 pm
17. 11. Saturday 17:00 pm |
Petr Halmay |
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Petr Halmay (CZECH REPUBLIC) was born in 1958 in Prague and has worked as teacher, warehouse and petrol pump worker, journalist and theatre technician. He has published poetry collections Strašná záře (Terrible Radiance, 1991) and Bytost (A Being, 1994) and a collection of poems and prose texts Hluk (Noise, 1997). His latest collection Koncová světla (Rear Lights) was published in 2004.
14. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Zbyněk Hejda |
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Zbyněk Hejda (CZECH REPUBLIC) was born in Hradec Králové in 1930. a poet, essayist and translator from English and German, He worked as publishing editor and second-hand bookseller and after He joined the Charter 77 movement He worked as janitor until the Velvet Revolution in 1989. After 1990 He taught medical ethics at Charles University. His first volume of poetry, Všechna slast (All the Pleasure) was published in Prague in 1964, but all his subsequent work had to come out in samizdat editions and was republished in the 1990s. His collected poems came out in 1996. a selection of his poems in English translation was published by Southword Editions under the title a Stay in the Sanatorium, in translation by Bernard O’Donoghue with Šimon Daníček. He has translated the work of Emily Dickinson, Georg Trakl and Gottfried Benn.
14. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Pavel Kolmačka |
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Pavel Kolmačka (CZECH REPUBLIC) was born in 1962 in Prague and graduated from the School of Electrical Engineering. He has worked in various jobs and since 1993 He has worked as technical translator from English. He published two poetry collections, Vál za mnou směšný šos (A Ridiculous tailcoat fluttered behind me, 1994) and Viděl jsi, že jsi (You saw that you were, 1998, in German as Du sahst, es gibt dich, 2001) and the novel Stopy za obzor (Footprints leading beyond the horizon, 2006). He lives in the village of Chrudichromy near Brno with his wife and two sons.
14. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Petr Král |
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Poet, fiction writer, essayist and translator, Petr Král was born in Prague on 4 September 1941. He took a degree in dramaturgy from the Academy of Performing Arts (FAMU), Prague, and later became an editor at Orbis publishers, in charge of the Film and Filmmakers series. in the wake of the Soviet-led intervention of August 1968 He left for France, where He found employment in a gallery and a photo-laboratory; later, He was an editor in the Gallimard publishing house. He has also worked as an interpreter, translator, screenwriter and reviewer. in 1984 He lived in Québec, Canada. in 1990–91 He was the Czechoslovak cultural attaché in France. Since 2006 He has been living in Prague. He translates into French, mainly modern Czech verse, and has edited a number of poetry anthologies.
22. 11. Thursday 7:00 pm |
J. H. Krchovský |
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The poet J. H. Krchovský (real name, Jiří Hásek), was born on April 22, 1960 in Prague. He lives in Prague and Brno. He has been writing poetry since the late 70's and was one of the most outstanding artists of the Czech underground of the 80s. He is one of the most individual of writers on the contemporary literary scene. in 1998, his collection of works "Poems" was published by the Brno publishing house Host. His grotesque, rhymed poetry returns to the tradition of Czech decadence, with its symbols such as death, pain and frustration wrapped in a choking cloud of alcohol and eroticism. J. H. Krchovský has published a number of volumes: Noci, po nichž nepřichází ráno (1978-1991; Host 1991), Leda s labutí (1992-1996; Host 1997), Dodatky... (1978-1996; Host 1997), Básně (collection of previously published works; Host 1998), Vše nejlepší... (the best of..1978-1997; Maťa 1998), Poslední list (1998-2003; Petrov 2003), Nad jedním světem (2003-2004; Host 2004), Mladost radost (his early works, 1978-1981;Větrné mlýny 2005).
9. 11. Friday 7:00 pm |
Sabina Messeg |
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Sabina Messeg (ISRAEL) was born in 1942 in Sofia, Bulgaria, and emigrated to israel with her parents in 1948. She grew up in Jaffa and studied English Literature at the universities of Tel-Aviv and Jerusalem. She has published six collections of poetry, with two more forthcoming, as well as twenty books of children’s poetry under the pseudonym Adula. She has been awarded several prizes for her work, including the most prestigious prize for children’s poetry, the Zeeve Prize. She has published translations of large selections of poetry by Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, and lately She has translated the Norwegian poets Olaf Hauge and Rolf Jacobsen. She writes articles for the literary supplement of Ha’aretz. She is married to the painter Aharon Messeg with whom She has lived in several rural localities in israel where they have built their own houses and grown food. She has three grown-up children.
18. 11. Sunday 7:00 pm |
Tomáš Míka |
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Tomáš Míka (CZECH REPUBLIC)was born in 1959 in Prague, the Czech Republic. He studied English and Czech at Charles University, Prague and later worked as a teacher and translator from English. Among the writers He has translated into Czech are the 17th century classic John Bunyan (The Pilgrim’s Progress, Grace Abounding), James Hogg (Confessions of a Justified Sinner), Samuel Beckett (Watt). For some of his translations He received literary awards. His original work includes a book of poetry "Nuceny vysek" (Destruction of Animals) published in 2003 in Prague by Argo Publishers and sundry short stories and poems published in Czech magazines and broadcast on Czech Radio Prague. His book of short stories Und was published in September 2005 (Argo Publishers). His book of poetry "Deník rychlého člověka" (Journal of a Fast Man) was published in autumn 2007.
16. 11. Friday 6:30 pm |
Amjad Nasser |
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Amjad Nasser (JORDAN/UK) was born in 1955 in al-Turra, Jordan. From 1976 He worked as a journalist in television and newspapers, then in the cultural section of Al-Hadaf journal in Beirut, and in Cyprus was arts editor of Al-Ufq magazine. Since 1987 He has been Arts Editor of the Al-Quds Al-Arabi daily newspaper in London. He has published nine collections of poetry and one travel book. Three different volumes of selected poetry have been published, in Cairo in 1995, in 1999 by the House of Poetry in Palestine. in 1998 selected poems were published in French, introduced by Adonis, and in 2000 a volume of his poems was published in italian. He is one of the founding editors of Banipal magazine.
17. 11. Saturday 2:00 pm
17. 11. Saturday 7:30 pm |
Samira Negrouche |
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Samira Negrouche (ALGERIA) trained as a medical doctor and is a francophone Algerian writer, poet and translator. She has published several collections of poetry including l’opéra cosmique (2003), iridienne (2005) and her latest, Cabinet secret (2007). She also writes for theatre and collaborates with various theatre groups. a devoted translator, She mainly works on translations of contemporary Arab poetry. She likes to cross the boundaries of art forms in her work and She regularly performs and reads with artists such as Ammar Bouras and jazz Dimitri Porcu and Lionel Martin.
17. 11. Saturday 7:30 pm
19. 11. Monday 7:30 pm |
Margaret Obank |
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Margaret Obank was born in Leeds, UK. She has a BA Hons in Philosophy and English Literature from Leeds University, and an MA in Applied Linguistics from Birkbeck College, London University (1996). In April 1992, one year after the Gulf War of 1991, she organised a three-day festival of Iraqi culture Out of Iraq in London to celebrate the richness of the cradle of civilisation through painting, sculpture & photography exhibitions, film, poetry, music, books, crafts and Iraqi food. In 1998, she co-founded Banipal magazine of modern Arab literature in English translation with Iraqi author Samuel Shimon. In 2000, she co-edited with him A Crack in the Wall (Saqi Books, 2000), poems from the last 20 years of the 20th century by 60 Arab poets. In 2004 she was producer of Banipal Live, the first-ever UK tour of Arab authors, and established The Banipal Trust for Arab Literature to raise funds for translation. She was a judge of the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2005, and in the same year founded Banipal Books as a book publishing arm of Banipal magazine and was a key figure in establishing The Banipal Prize for Arabic Literary Translation, the first prize for published literary work translated from Arabic to English.
17. 11. Saturday 2:00 pm ↑ back on top ↑ |
Vladimir Olah |
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Vladimír Olah was born in Stropkov, eastern Slovakia, on May 22, 1947. He spent time in his childhood living in a Romani settlement. He has always enjoyed prose and poetry and has taken part in various recital competitions. He attended the miner's secondary school in Banska Stiavnica, taking his graduation exams at the military secondary school in the end. During his service as a professional soldier, He completed correspondence courses at the P.J. Safarik University, Faculty of Philosophy in the adult education department. Dr. Olah and his family are currently living in Prague, where, in addition to his participation in various socio-cultural activities (the Helsinki Committee, Tolerance Foundation, the Ecumenical Concil of Churches Commission for the Evangelism and Pastoration of Roma), He founded "Matice romska" (Romani Mother - a Christian and educational association, of which He is chairman). He is also co-author of a translation of Bible extracts published as the book "O Del vakerel ke peskere chhave" (God Speaks to his Children).
11. 11. Sunday 6:00 - 6:20 pm |
Tímea Penzés |
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Tímea Pénzes (HUNGARY) was born in Slovakia in1976 and has lived in Budapest, Prague and Berlin. She studied Hungarian and German in Budapest. Her own work and her translations have been published in both Bratislava and Budapest. She has been awarded bursaries in Hungary, Germany and Poland. Her work has been included in a number of anthologies and She has published five books, a novel, a collection of poetry, short stories a travel book and a novella. She is currently completing work on a dramatic trilogy. She has translated from Czech and Slovak into Hungarian and also translates contemporary German fiction into Hungarian. Since 2006 She has pursued her doctoral studies in Translation and interpreting in Budapest.
12. 11. Monday 7:00 pm |
Bohdan Piasecki |
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Bohdan Piasecki (POLAND) was born in Warsaw more than a quarter of a century ago. He attended a French school, studied English literature, and, perhaps unsurprisingly, is now in the process of writing a doctoral thesis on literary translation theory at the University of Warwick in the UK. Bohdan is also a spoken word poet and was the only European poet to reach the finals of the Poetry Slam World Cup held in Paris in June 2007. When He is not writing poetry, analysing poetry, or translating poetry, Bohdan works as a freelance translator, engages on long-distance walking trips, and indulges his passion for capoeira, the Brazilian martial art. He hopes to learn to play bass one day.
16. 11. Friday 6:30 pm |
Ioan Es. Pop |
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Ioan Es. Pop (ROMANIA) was born in 1958 in northern Romania, received his degree from Baia Mare University in 1983. He taught Romanian language and literature for six years in the small town of ieud, the starting point for his first volume of poems, Ieudul fara iesire ("Ieud, No Way Out," Bucharest: Cartea Romaneasca, 1994,), which includes the series "15 oltetului st., room 305" and "the banquet." This volume won numerous prizes and awards, as did Porcec (a fictitious proper name), from which the "House" series is taken (Bucharest: Carta Romanesca, 1996). in September 1989, Pop moved to Bucharest as a worker in the construction of the infamous Casa Popurului (the People’s House, as the one-time dictator Ceausescu’s palace was known), an experience that inspired a series of poems about the "dormitory" conditions for unmarried workers. in April, 1990, He joined the literary magazine Luceafarul and is now senior editor for culture at Ziarul Financiar ("The Financial Journal"). His collection, Pantelimon 113 bis (Bucharest: Cartea Romanesca, 1999), won the Poetry Prize of the Union of Romanian Writers.
15. 11. Thursday 6:30 pm
18. 11. Sunday 7:00 pm |
Ágnes Rapai |
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Ágnes Rapai (HUNGARY) was born in Szekszárd in 1952. She is a member of a number of organisations such as Szépírók Társasága (The Literature Society), MAOE and PEN. She has published five collections of poetry: Máshol (Elsewhere) 1985, a darázs szeme (Eye of the Wasp) 1990, Zadarnál a tenger (The Sea by Zadar) 1997, Arc poétika, 2006, Mindenhol jó (Everywhere’s Good) 2007. Her works have been published in Switzerland in German (translated by András Sándor) and She has also been published in German anthologies such as Frauenfelder Lyriktage, Poesie Agenda, Ungarische Poeten. She has been in receipt of a number of bursaries, including from the Rosenthal institute for the Holocaust (1995).
12. 11. Monday 7:00 pm |
Kateřina Rudčenková |
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Kateřina Rudčenková (CZECH REPUBLIC) was born in Prague in 1976. She is editor of the cultural internet magazine Dobrá adresa. Her first poetry book Ludwig was published to general acclaim in 1999. Her second, Není nutné, abyste me navštěvoval (No need for you to visit me, 2002) was followed by a collection of short stories Noci, noci (Nights, nights, 2004). Her latest book of poems is Popel a slast (Ashes and Pleasure, 2005). Her first theatre play has won her a residency at the Royal Court Theatre in London and will be staged in Prague in 2008.
14. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Samuel Shimon |
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Samuel Shimon (IRAQ/UK) was born in 1956 in iraq into an Assyrian family. He left iraq in 1979 and in 1985 He settled in Paris, where He started the small press Gilgamesh Editions. in 1996 He moved to London, where He has lived ever since. He is the founding editor of the most popular literary website in Arabic and He co-founded Banipal, Magazine of Modern Arab Literature with Margaret Obank, with whom He also edited a Crack in the Wall, poems by sixty contemporary Arab poets. He has published two collection of poetry in Arabic in 1987 and 1995. His autobiographical novel an iraqi in Paris, published in Arabic and English in 2005 was described by the Times Literary Supplement as “a forgiving and powerful book” and the independent as “an Arabic answer to Miller’s Tropic of Cancer”.
17. 11. Saturday 2:00 pm
17. 11. Saturday 7:30 pm |
Jan Štolba |
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Jan Štolba was born in Prague in 1957. At the beginning of his career, He played 1920's and 1930's jazz in Prague swing bands OPSO and Jazzphonic quintet. Later on, He also appeared on the Czech alternative rock scene of 1970´ and 1980's; He played with the drummer Alan Vitouš; He was a member of the art-rock "big band" Krasné nové stroje, or an avantgard–folk–rock group Mozart K. With various groups, He took part in jazz festivals throughout Europe and the U.S.A. He has played on 15 albums; his last CD, entitled "Time after Time", was recorded in 2002 by his own jazz quartet. At present, He composes his own material. Besides his music activities, He is also interested in literature – He has published several books of fiction and poetry, and He often contributes with his criticism for literary journals. in 2007 He received the prestigious F.X. Salda prize for his book of literary criticism, Nedopadající džbán (The Unfalling Jug).
22. 11. Thursday 7:00 pm |
Jáchym Topol |
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Jáchym Topol was born in Prague in 1962, the son of the playwright Josef Topol. As a 16-year-old he was a signatory to Charter 77 and in 1985 he co-founded the underground magazine Revolver Revue. in the 1990s he studied Ethnology and from 1989 to 1991 he travelled Eastern Europe as a journalist. Topol has published two collections of poetry: i Madly Love You and There is War Coming on Tuesday; the novel Angel (made into the film Angel Exit by Michal Ondříček), the novella The Trip to the Station Hall and an anthology of Native American myths, Spined Girl. His 1994 novel City Sister Silver was the only novel from the 1990’s to be included on a list of the 100 greatest Czech prose works, and the winner of the Egon Hostovský Prize as the best Czech book of the year. His two most recent novels, Night Job and Gurgle the Tar portray the Soviet occupation. His work has been translated into many languages and has earned him numerous literary awards.
21. 11. Wednesday 7:00 pm |
Francisco José Viegas |
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Francisco José Viegas (PORTUGAL). Born in Vila Nova de Foz Côa in 1962. He taught Literature and Linguistics at the University of Évora from 1983 to 1987, the year He began to devote himself entirely to being an editor and journalist. He has worked for a number of newspapers and magazines, taken part in radio programmes and has written and presented several programmes for television. He was the editor of the magazine Grande Reportagem, and He is presently the Director of Casa Fernando Pessoa, devoted to several activities connected with the promotion of literature and particularly poetry. He has mainly published fiction and poetry, but also travel books and a play. His poetry is translated into Hebrew, Catalan and Castilian and his novels are published in Germany (Lübbe), Brazil and italy.
18. 11. Sunday 7:00 pm |
Elena Vladareanu |
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Elena Vladareanu (ROMANIA) was born in Medgidia, Constanta county, in 1981. She graduated from the Faculty of Letters in Bucharest and has worked as a journalist since 2001. She is an editor for the daily newspaper “Averea”. in 2002 She published her first volume “The confessions of the distinguished lady m.” in the “Carmen” underground series initiated by Un Cristian. She published the volume “Pages” in the same year and her second volume, “Fissures”, was issued by “Pontica” in 2003. in 2005 Elena Vladareanu was awarded a creative scholarship in Berlin. Her work features in a new anthology of Romanian poetry in English translation, “No Longer Poetry: new Romanian Poetry”, HeavenTree Press, 2007.
15. 11. Thursday 6:30 pm
17. 11. Saturday 5:00 pm |
Haris Vlavianos |
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Haris Vlavianos (GREECE) was born in Rome in 1957. He studied Economics and Philosophy at the University of Bristol and holds a PhD in Politics and History from the University of Oxford. Since his debut Somnambulations (1983) He has published six collections of poetry, including the Angel of History (1999), which was short-listed for the State Poetry Prize, and After the End of Beauty (2003). He has also published a collection of thoughts and aphorisms on poetry and poetics entitled, the Other Place (1994). Apart from being a poet, writer and editor, Haris Vlavianos is also a distinguished translator into Greek of the works of well-known writers such as Walt Whitman, Ezra Pound, Michael Longley, Wallace Stevens, John Ashbery, e.e. cummings, Carlo Goldoni, William Blake, Zbigniew Herbert and Fernando Pessoa. He is the editor of the influential literary Greek journal Poese (Poetry) and of the Greek domain of the Poetry international web site ( He is Professor of History and History of ideas at the American College of Greece and teaches Translation Theory at the European Centre for Translation in Athens.
17. 11. Saturday 5:00 pm |
Ruper Ordorika |
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Ruper Ordorika was born in Onati, the Basque Country, in 1956. His first album “Hautsi da Anphora” was released in 1980 and followed by many more, which established his reputation as an innovative musician and songwriter experimenting with traditional Basque music, for example the narrative song, and styles from folk to rock. He is known for setting to music the poetry of Basque writers such as Bernardo Atxaga, Josemari iturralde, and Joseba Sarrionandia, and for working with musicians from diverse backgrounds. Several of his albums were recorded in London and New York with musicians such as Martin and Liza Carthy, and Fernando Saunders, Ben Monder and Kenny Wollesen. His latest CD is based on the poems of Joseba Sarrionandia.
15. 11. Thursday 7:00 pm |