Poezie na drátě

IX Poetry Day, 2007

Poetry Day Programme

Click to get detailed programme for:
Blansko, Bohumín, Brno, Březnice, Březová nad Svitavou, Černošice, České Budějovice, Dobruška, Domažlice, Fulnek, Havířov, Havlíčkův Brod, Hradec Králové, Cheb, Chrudim, Jičín, Kadaň, Karlovy Vary, Krnov, Kroměříž, Kyjov, Liberec, Litoměřice, Litovel, Louny, Náchod, Nová Paka, Nová Včelnice, Nové Město nad Metují, Nový Jičín, Ostrava, Ostrava - Poruba, Ostrava - Vítkovice, Moravská Ostrava, Plzeň, Postoloprty, Praha, Prachatice, Rakovník, Rtyně v Podkrkonoší, Rumburk, Strážov, Trutnov, Třeboň, Turnov, Tymákov, Veselí nad Moravou, Vlachovo Březí, Znojmo, Žatec
16. 11. Friday 6 pm
Life as a journey...
Evening full of poetry and music. Poetry reading by Eva Sadecka.
City Library Blansko, Rožmitálova 4
9. – 23. 11
A little bit of poetry won’t kill you or a Poem for You
During the Poetry Day festival, our library will dedicate a selected poem especially for you.
City Library Blansko, Rožmitálova 4

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16. 11. Friday 6 pm
A few lines for you
Literary evening of the Maryška club.
Náměstí T. G. Masaryka, former flower hall next to the cafe

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6. 11. Tuesday 7:30 pm
Poeticko občanský kabaret u Karla, Fruits and fences of the fall
Presenting Eva Talpová, Jan Albireo Kučera, Jarmila Maršálová, Milena Fucimanová, Ondřej Zahradníček, Petr Moučka. Nostalgic songs by O. Zahradníček and P. Moučka.
Moravský sklep, Hlinky 52

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11. 11. - 16. 11.
Everyday Poetry
An exhibition of poetic works.
Children's section of the City library
16. 11.
Poetry Serious and Otherwise
Program for schoolchildren, the poetry of Jiří Žáček and Jan Vodňanský.
City Library and information Centre. Náměstí 16

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Březová nad Svitavou
18. 11. Sunday 4 pm
Do you write poetry and put it in your drawer? isn’t that a pity?
2nd evening of poetry reading of regional authors.
City Library and TiC, Moravské náměstí 65

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10. 11. Saturday 9:00 am
Dawn of Poetry
Poetry reading open for the public. the cultural magazíne Totem.cz invites you to join the morning reading by the legendary oak in Vráž v Černošicích.
Černošice, legendary oak in Vráž

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České Budějovice
21. 11. Wednesday
Poetry on a wire
On a glass staircase of the school, poetry will indeed hang on wires from the top to the ground floor.
Gymnázium E. F. Smidaka na VOŠ a SŠ, Pražská 3

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15. 11. Thursday
Poetry on a bookmark
Every visitor will get a bookmark with a poetry piece from Czech classic or contemporary poetry.
Město Dobruška - Library, Na Budíně 850
15. – 19.11.
Poem written from a hat
Visitors will draw 3 words from a hat and write a poem using these words. the best three poems will be given awards. in December theere will be an exhibition of all the poems.
Město Dobruška - Library, Na Budíně 850
A little bit of poetry won’t kill you
A series of discussions and games with poetry for young students.
Město Dobruška - Library, Na Budíně 850

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Poetry Days or innocent week and red-and-white words....like on a wire.
… Presented by CHOFiLiS Domažlice
9. 11. – 22. 11.
Mácha in paintings
Exposition of the poet’s fictitious portraits.
Terasa staročeské krčmy Meluzína, Vodní 19 (http://www.meluzina.ic.cz)
9. – 22. 11.
Poetry arches
Everyone who takes a walk under the archway of the town will have the posibility to contribute to our project 220 V(erses). Everyone can join with a word, a verse or a whole poem.
11. 11. neděle Sunday 3 pm
Benjamin’s poetrywiring with Pegas
Afternoon for the children organized by the nursery center Benjamínek. the making of wired frames for poems. www.mcbenjaminek.ic.cz
Terasa staročeské krčmy Meluzína, Vodní 19
12. 11. Monday 6 pm
Folk for a smile
Presenting duo TAMARAL (inka Tognerová and Petr Sedláček) and Arnošt Frauenberg.
Čajovna Želva, Havlíčkova 82
14. 11. Wednesday 8 pm
M. G. Rum
Lucie Popovičová for the first time! Piano mix. With Drsná deka.
Jazz Rock Café
16. 11. Friday 6 pm
innocent evening and red-and-white words
Meeting of a literary in/active lovers of wine.
Veselá vinárna, Školní 109
18. 11. Sunday
Slovakian poetic feast
Poetic menu by: Mathej Thomka, Janko Cíger and Pavel Garan from the literary club Mädokýš Martin. With Canzonetta woman choir.
Staročeská krčma Meluzína, Vodní 19
20. 11. Tuesday
Spice it up for the poets
Events for Poetry Day presented in a cave info@solnajeskyne-domazlice.cz, www.solnajeskyne-domazlice.cz
Solná jeskyně, Náměstí Míru 130

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15. 11. Thursday
Robert Desnos's poetry accompanied by music
Presented by students of local elementary school.
T.G.Masaryk Elementary School and Kindergarten, Masarykova 426, Fulnek

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14. 11. Wednesday 6 pm
Sleep even on a wire
Poetry reading of a group S.P.i. inspired by their experience of sleeping in this rather uncomfortable place.
Hudební oddělení Městské knihovny, Pavlovova 2

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Havlíčkův Brod
5. 11. - 23. 11.
Poetry - Read, Hanging on a Wire, Rolled Up and Displayed for All

This year's poetry day theme "Poetry on the wire" will be taken literally, with poems by classic and lesser known poets suspended on a wire in the library.

For the whole period there will be an action entitled "A Little Poetry Never Hurt Anyone, or A Poem for You". Poems by Czech and world authors will be furled and given as gifts in the adult and children's sections of the library.

There will also be displays of poetry books.

Vysočina Regional Library, Havlíčkovo náměstí 87
23. 11.
Poetry reading
By Ladislav Vondrák and Petr Mičola.
In the attic of the Coffeehouse U Notáře

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Hradec Králové
6. 11. Tuesday 5 pm
Playful wires
Poetric and playful wandering on the wire of a lifetime. Poetry reading.
Poslechové studio hud. odd. Knihovny města Hradce Králové, Tomkova 620 (2. patro)
13. 11. Tuesday 5 pm
Literary evening with poetry reading
Students of language and literary culture of  PF University Hradec Králové will present a poetry evening. www.svkhk.cz
Studijní a vědecká knihovna v Hradci Králové, studovna SVK, Eliščino nábřeží 626

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9. - 23. 11.
Poetry on a wire
Visitors will be able to take poems from wires installed in the library. in the children’s section there will be a poetry competition based on drawing words from a hat and writing a poem.
City Library in Cheb, Obrněné brigády 18

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23. 11. Friday 6 pm
Shady Reading after 6
Members of the literary club PSAhlaVCi will read their poetry on the stairs of the library.
City Library Chrudim, Filištínská 36

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14. 11. Wednesday 6 pm
Attention! the next stop is Poetry upon Rhyme
interesting collage of 20th century poetry. the poets come to the station to revise their life and works before their train leaves again... Presented by the literary group LiS.
Knihovna Václava Čtvrtka, Denisova 400

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15. – 19. 11.
Programme of the Kadan Gymnasium
Poetry, paintings,expositions and presentations by the students of the gymnasium.
Gymnázium Kadaň, 5. května 620

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Karlovy Vary
9. 11. Friday 7 pm – 10. 11. Saturday
Uninterrupted poetry
A whole night of uninterrupted poetry – reading, painting, drama, music... a midnight band and more....until the early morning when you can get some coffee and breakfast.
Britské centrum, Krajská knihovna Karlovy Vary, Závodní 378/84

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8. 11. Thursday 6 pm
Poetry Reading of Pavel J. Hejátek
An evening with the controversial poet.
City Library - studovna, Soukenická 29
9. – 23. 11.
Colourful autumn with poems
Discussion sessions for kindergartens and elementary schools. the making of autumn leaves with poems which will be then pinned on a tree of poetry.
City Library, Soukenická 29

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6. 11. – 20. 11.
Poetry on a wire and wireless
Exposition of books, starting on 6. 11. at 4:30 pm. Authors and members of the Poetry friends club.
Library Kroměřížska, Slovanské náměstí 3920

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12. 11. Monday
Expositions of students’ works, a poetry competition and more...
Klvaňovo gymnázium, Komenského 594

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9. 11. Friday – the whole time of the festival
Painting a picture for my favorite poem
Painting competition for the youngest students. Results presented on 9. 11. 2007. An exposition of all the works will be at the end of November.
Krajská vědecká knihovna v Liberci – pobočka Kunratická, Aloisina výšina 642/51, budova ZŠ

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16. 11. Friday 8 pm
Night with a romantic
You can read or listen to the reading of others until the early morning light.
Knihovna Karla Hynka Máchy, Mírové náměstí 26

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13. 11. Tuesday 6 pm
Mosaic of the days
Book signing of the regional author Lubomír Šik.
Městský klub, Malý sál Záložny, nám. Přemysla Otakara 753
22. 11. Thursday 7 pm
"Striptease" of a soul
Book signing of a collection by Jarmila Cholinska. Music by Iva Kevešová ml.,iva Kevešová st.and Michal Schmalz. the songs of Edith Piaf, chansons, blues.
Městský klub, Malý sál Záložny, nám. Přemysla Otakara 753

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15. 11. Thursday 5 pm
Poetry on a wire
By Jan Vnouček. with students of the gymnasium in Louny.
Sálek Městské knihovny
20. 11. Tuesday 2 pm
Reciting competition for students.
Sálek Městské knihovny
5. - 23.11.
Exposition of Poems in the Library
Poems in your hands.
City Library Louny, SNP 2206

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9. – 23. 11.
Poetry in space
Poetic presents for visitors to the library.
City Library, Kamenice 105

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Nová Paka
13. 11. Tuesday
Poetry on a wire
Lectures, workshops, expositions and other interesting poetic activities.
Gymnázium a SOŠPg Nová Paka, Kumburská 740

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Nová Včelnice
5. – 19. 11.
Poetry not only on a wire - exposition
7., 9., 14. a 16. 11.
”Poems on a wire" - all your poems linked by a wire - art workshop
7. 11. Wednesday 2 pm
"i recite, you recite, we recite" - reciting competition
City Library, Komenského 386

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Nové Město nad Metují
8. 11. Thursday 6 pm
Poetry and music evening
Blues with a surprise, performance of the band Musica per fiati.
City Library, Komenského 22

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Nový Jičín
16. 11. Friday 7:30 pm
Poetry Day
We will start in the Archa tearoom and will go from there. Poetry reading by various authors.
Čajovna Archa, Husova 2

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9. 11. Monday 8:30 am
Reciting marathon
The 2nd year of the reciting marathon will take place in front of the school building. We will try to break the record in reading without a break.
Matiční gymnázium, Dr. Šmerala 25

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Ostrava - Poruba
13. 11. Tuesday 10 am
Poetry Day at Gymnázium Olgy Havlové
Reciting competition of students with the participation of teachers and actors from the local theaters.
Gymnázium Olgy Havlové, M. Majerové 1691
14. 11. Wednesday 10 am
Non-stop Reading – competition in different languages.
Wichterlovo gymnázium, Čs. exilu 669

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Ostrava - Vítkovice
The following programmes are presented by: Střední průmyslová škola, Zengrova 1
5. 11. Monday 1 pm
Literary and art competition
Communication by sight - competition for the best poster.
Harmony of a garden – art and photographic compostitions. illustration of Kytice – poem collection. Advertisement for the collection Slezské písně.

Školní galerie Náš svět, Střední průmyslová škola, Zengrova 1
13. 11. Tuesday 1 pm
A little bit of poetry won’t kill you - reciting competition
23. 11 Friday
Theater Prague today
Visit to Prague theaters and performances.

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Moravská Ostrava
22. 11. Thursday 6 pm
Hlásíme se ke Dni poezie
Poetry reading of regional writers.
Komorní scéna Aréna, Moravská Ostrava, ul. 28. října 2

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5. - 23. 11.
Poems in your palm
Visitors to the library will get a present in the form of a poem.
Knihovna města Plzně, B. Smetany 13
7. 11. Wednesday
Verses at school
Children will read rhymed fairy tales and try to make up their own. With Eva Regalová.
ZŠ Plzeň – Křimice, Průkopníků 280
8. 11. Thursday
Verses at school
Children will read rhymed fairy tales and try to make up their own. With Eva Regalová.
ZŠ Plzeň – Černice, U Školy 7
17. – 30. 11.
Festival - One Foot in Poetry
The following programme will take place at the Cultural cafe Jabloň, Krátká 2, www.jablon.eu
17. 11. Saturday 8 pm
Poetic invasion: CZ/SK
Slovakian performers Mädokýš Slovakia and Pilsen Ason-club on air with  internet radio Rádyja Mlha.
26. 11. Monday 8 pm
Jaroslav Rudiš, Jaromír 99 & the Bombers
Releasing comix Bomber of Jaromír 99, a novel “Potichu” of Jaroslav Rudis. Concert of the Bombers and realease of the new album Jedy and protijedy.
28. 11. Wednesday 8 pm
William Blake
250th Birthday party for the British poet.

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5. - 19. 11.
Exposition of children’s books
12. 11. Monday 6 pm
Evening with a poem
Presenting students of the literary-drama classes.
Sál informačního centra Postoloprty, Mírové nám. 3

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9. 11. Friday 5:30 pm
Fire, poetry on a wire!
Literary, dramatic and dance evening inspired by the texts of Jan Vodňansky.
Theater Pavilon, ZUŠ Lounských, Lounských 4/129, Praha 4
9. 11. Friday 7 pm
Krchovský + Kříž = Lehkoživ
Poetry reading of two poets J. H. Krchovsky and Radek Lehkoziv, with music by Marcel Kriz.
Studio Paměť, Soukenická 29, Praha 1
10. 11. Saturday 3 pm
Poetry day for children - a groom for a devil-bride (fairy tale)
Theater Bozděch, starring: M.Uhlíř, J. Konrád, P. Sova, J. Marková and K. Strculová
Jindřišská věž - in the attic, Jindřišská ulice, Praha 1
10. 11. Saturday 5 pm
Ceremony to announce the winners of literary competition of the Day of Poetry.

Jindřišská věž - in the attic, Jindřišská ulice, Praha 1
11. 11. Sunday at noon
Living library
At the café of Řehoř Samsa (www.opim.cz),as part of the Multicultural Centre’s festival Dialogue of Cultures.
Knihkupectví a kavárna Řehoře Samsy, Vodičkova 30, Praha 1, pasáž U Nováků
11. 11. Sunday 1 pm – 7 pm
Literary marathon
Julie Gübelová, Tereza Kněz-Gübelová, Svatava Antošová, Alexandra Berková, Alexandra Sasa, Miluš Kotišová, Sabrina Karasová, Ridina Ahmedová, Petr Haken, Martina Henzla, /o.s.Okamžik/, Miroslav Michálek/o.s.Okamžik/, Rawah El Jassani, Bešar Albayaty, Lamis Khalilová, Jarmila Chromíková, Vojtěch Fabian, Jarmila Čermáková, Vladimir Olah, Ján Ačo Slepčík.
in cooperation with festival Dialogue of Cultures, Multicultural Centre, Prague.
Kávovarna, Štěpánská 61, pasáž Lucerna, Praha 1
12. – 15. 11.
Poetry on a wire
Poetry reading on the topic of “Poetry on a wire”. Students’ presentations, meeting and exhibitions of their works. Elementary school of T. G. Masaryk, Modřanská 1375/10a, Praha 4 - Modřany
14. 11. Wednesday 6 pm
Wooden evening – (not only) about poetry
Evening with a musical guest, hosted by Martin Patřičný (www.patricny.com).
Library of the National Museum in Prague, Malá zasedací síň, Václavské nám. 68, Praha 1
14. 11. Wednesday 7 pm
Poetric stories and a meeting with a traveller
Story Reading not only by the members of cultural webgroups Totem.cz,Literra.cz and Pismak.cz. Meeting and presentation of a traveller, Tworb, who made a journey from Prague to india on his bike. Contact: Petula, Martin /ctenivevezi@post.cz/
Jindřišská věž - in the attic, Jindřišská ulice, Praha 1
14. 11. Wednesday 7 pm
Aroma Amora
Poetry reading of J. H. Čermákova on the topic of K.H. Macha’s poem.
Humanistické centrum Narovinu, Vltavská 24, Praha 5
15. 11. Thursady 5.05 pm
Reading of prose and poetry by Lydie Romanská and Jarmila Moosová
with the saxophone accompaniment of ivan Myslikovjan
international PEN, Klementinum 190, Prague 1
16. 11. Friday 5 pm
Birthday Party for K. H. Mácha
The Poetry society invites you to join a celebration at Petrin, by the statue of K.H. Macha.
Petřín, statue of K. H. Mácha
16. 11. Friday 7 pm
Evening of reasonable depressions /no.49/
Presenting Lenka Ečerová, Marta Francová, Petra Haasová, Alena Vávrová, Jiří Weinberger.
Music: Pavel Lutner. Topical words of Saša Gr. Hosting Zora Šimůnková. For more information: www.zora.bloguje.cz.
Poetic cafe Obratník, J. Plachty 28, Praha 5 - Smíchov
16. 11. Friday 7 pm
Poetic tearoom of Jarmila Moosova
Poetry reading of Lydie Romanska, Martina Hráska, Petr Musílek, Jakub P. Maly, Karla Krátka and Stanislav Oliva. Music by Eva Dvořáková.
Cristal tearoom Galerie Cesty ke světlu Zdeňka Hajného, Zakouřilova 955/9, Praha 4 – Chodov
18. 11. Sunday 5 pm
Announcement of the winners of a poetry competition of Prague high schools. 
Organised by Gymnázium Na Vítězné pláni.
Czech Centre, Rytířská 31, Praha 1
20. 11. Tuesday 7:30 pm
10th Gluhwein of Klánov on the topic of Accidents of virtue or Restless wire/erotica in poetry, songs and films
Literary and musical evening hosted by Zora Šimůnková a Jan Nejedlý.
KC Beseda, Slavětínská 120, Praha 9 – Klánovice. www.klanovickeforum.cz
21. 11. Wednesday 7 pm
Jáchym Topol, Reading
Hosted by Radim Kopáč.
Czech Centre, Rytířská 31, Praha 1
22. 11. Thursday 7 pm
Literary goods
Poetry reading of Jan Štolba, Stanislav Dvorský and Petr Král.
Nová síň, Voršilská 3, Praha 1
22. 11. Thursday 7 pm
Radoslav Nenadál and František Baďura: Daughter of a Coffin Maker
Scenic Reading of a famous oldtown novel from the 80’s of the last century. Starring M. Vaculíková, M. Zaťková, L. Juráček, F. Sychra and others. Old Prague songs on the accordeon by P. Samšuk.
Týnská literární kavárna, Týnská 6
23. 11. Friday 6 pm
Poetry not only in books
in the name of Ms. Jana Seifertova, daughter of Jaroslav Seifert. An evening of poetry of 20th century poets, sung and read by Jana Barochová and Ondřej Brett Poetry reading of young poets, winners of literary competitions. Signing of the poet Jiri Zacek, an exhibition of poetic paintings by Mirek Vodička and Jitka Hilska (OS Kaštan) Production of Center for free time Bilbo.
Písecká brána, K Brusce 5/208, Praha 6
23. 11. Friday 7 pm
Evening of literary magazines
Presentations of literary and cultural magazines Lužicko-srbský věstník, Mezera.org, Mlha, Psí víno, Totem.cz.
Studio Paměť, Soukenická 29, Praha 1

As a part of Poetry Day we proudly present: Prague international Poetry Days.

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20. 11. Tuesday 9 am
Poetry Days
Reading of the writer Pavel Vrána for students.
Hosted by City Library Prachatice.
ZŠ Zlatá stezka 240, ZŠ Národní 1018, ZŠ Vodňanská 287
20. 11. Tuesday 5:30 pm
Writer Pavel Vrána reads intimate poetry for adults.
Hosted by City Library Prachatice.
Radniční sál Městského úřadu Prachatice, Velké náměstí 1

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9. – 23. 11.
A Book that really got me
Survey among students and an exposition.
Gymnázium Zikmunda Wintra, nám. J. Žižky 186

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Rtyně v Podkrkonoší
12. – 16. 11.
Exposition, poetic competition and a playful time for children, a gift for everyone.
City Library, náměstí Horníků 440

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11. 11. Sunday 10 am
Poetry on a wire
Poetry in words and art.
Dům kultury Rumburk, Tř. SNP 484/29

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5. – 19. 11.
Poetry at the library
Decorating the library with poems.
Místní knihovna Strážov 280

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9. 11. Friday 6 pm
One more look back
Releasing and book signing of the new book by Antonín Just.
Hosted by Město Trutnov and Gymnázium Trutnov
Koncertní síň Bohuslava Martinů, Úpická 520

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16. 11. Friday 9 amn
Literárně hudební posezení ve stylu Hrdý Budžes
The whole school will read a witty novel by irena Douskova “Hrdý Budžes”. Singing, dancing and music included. Hosted by Obchodní akademie Třeboň.
Lázně Aurora Třeboň, Lázeňská 1001

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Hosted by: City Library Antonína Marka v Turnově, Kulturní centrum Turnov
8. 11. Thursday 6 pm
Men are fragile
Evening of poetry and songs by Jan Burian.
Dům Na Sboře, Na Sboře 80
12. 11. Monday 9 am
Poetry and Us
Gathering for students of high schools.
Kulturní sálek knihovny, Jeronýmova 517
13. 11. Tuesday 10 am
The Blue Clock
Releasing and reading from the new book by Marek Sekyra.
Kulturní sálek knihovny, Jeronýmova 517
15. 11. Thursday 9 am
Poetika 2007 - the world is a wonderful place to be born in.
Reciting competition for anyone from 6 to 25 years of age.
Městské divadlo, Trávnice 790
16. 11. pátek 18:00 hodin
Poetika 2007 – Galaconcert
Performances by Adam Katona, Surkata Trio, Blue Effect, Radim Hladík, Pavol Hammel and the winners of the reciting competition.
Městské divadlo, Trávnice 790
20. 11. Tuesday 6 pm
Fráňa Šrámek and Český ráj
Honoring the poet. Evening of reading and music presented by Vlastislav Hnízdo, Alfréd Strejček, Eva Kordová, Martin Hybler, Monika Szantó.
Dům Na Sboře, Na Sboře 80
The whole month of November
Literary poetic drawer – Come on and write!
Poetry of young starting writers.

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5. 11. Monday
Verses at School
Children will read rhymed fairy-tales and try to make their own poems. with Eva Regalová.
ZŠ Tymákov 100

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Veselí nad Moravou
9. – 11. 11.
Exposition of Russian poetry books
Remembering the greatest of Russian poets.
Kino Morava, náměstí Míru 667

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19. 11. Monday 5 pm
MVB+PJB+JKN+KHM=student reminiscence
ZŠ profesora Josefa Brože, Galerie Bomba, Komenského 356

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6. – 22. 11.
Poetry in the classroom - Literary and reciting competition for students
Poetry on a wire - art workshop
Columns of poetry - the best student work
Mácha known and unknown – lecture
Exposition of poetry collections in the school
Playing with poetry - poetic quiz competitions for students
SOU a SOŠ, SČMSD, Přímětická 1812/50

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23. 11. Friday 8 am
invitation to the poet’s table
Morning meeting with Czech language teachers Vlastimil Řebec and Vladimír A. Hons about the meaning of poetry in today’s restless world.
SOU a SOŠ, SČMSD, Hošťálkovo nám. 132

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